Personal Secrets

Securely store personal and family secrets like website passwords, credit cards, bank accounts, and crypto wallets and share them via private chats

When you need to share a Netflix password with your friend, a cryptocurrency wallet key with your family member, or a credit card number with... your virtual self, how would you do that? If you use regular email or messaging apps, the chances are someone is watching you so the fact it's happened and perhaps the data itself will become known to someone you don't want to be involved with. Moreover, the traces of this data (password, private key, credit card number) and metadata (proof of the data transfer including date and time and names of sender and recipient) may remain hanging on a server somewhere forever and can be retrieved (by a hacker, government, or rogue employee) even after several months or even years if someone suddenly shows interest in your personal activities.

If you use MystSafe, not just the passwords, keys, and messages themselves are going to be protected, but the very fact of your communication will remain secret, and the data and metadata will become unrecoverable and disappear as soon as you want it.

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