System Components

MystSafe system is comprised of three main components: App, Relay Node, and Database.

App is the client application running in a browser on the user's device such as mobile phone, desktop computer, or tablet. The App is downloaded to the user's device from the Relay Node server when it’s first launched. The App binaries are hosted on Relay Node but it is fully executed only on the user device (in a browser), which ensures complete privacy and security. The App never shares the read private keys outside of the client device.

Relay Node is a server application that stands between Apps and Database while performing several important functions. Relay nodes host the App code, which can be downloaded directly from relay node to eliminate dependency on a particular “download website" or corporate app store that could be blocked or compromised. They "isolate" the Apps from the Database for better performance, scalability, and privacy.

On top of the crypto-grade end-to-end encryption between the sender and the recipient, the messages are encrypted point-to-point between the App and Relay Nodes using TLS to minimize the amount of covert data that can be collected from the traffic. Users may also use VPN or/and TOR to anonymously communicate with Relay Node.

Database is a permissionless, DAG (directed acyclic graph), non-SQL database that stores user secrets and messages. It allows read-write access virtually to everyone through relay nodes. Deletion can be done only by relay nodes using special garbage collection logic.

The database records are organized is series of individual blocks and blockchains that have interdependencies without exposing any links between users and their data. The sender’s and recipient’s "stealth" addresses are encrypted, so anyone looking at the database records can't determine the actual sender and recipient. The content of secret records and chat messages is encrypted end-to-end.

To use a real world analogy, think of the database and the relay nodes as a container ship. The ship's only function is to safely and timely transport containers from port to port, and it does not know where containers are going from or to exactly, what is inside, or who the owner is. Only the sender and the recipient of the containers have the right to look inside.

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